Sunday, June 29, 2008

Star Wars Fodder

I heard the New York times was doing an interview with George
but I didn't know they would be posting these great sketches of Asajj Ventress! Not sure who the artist is but I'm sure I'll find out from the guys, it's always funny to end up seeing something new or really cool on the internet but it's something you've never even seen it at work.

The article was a pretty good read, nothing all that new but there were a few bits and pieces that I think alot of industry people will pick up on. It's worth giving a listen as well to the mp3 files they have posted, they're pretty short but give a little more insight that the article may have missed.

I think this was the best quote pulled in the piece, or at least what I think kind of sums things up, even for the haters out there is this.
“He’s the guy,” said Dave Filoni, director of the “Clone Wars” show and movie. “Chewbacca exists because he named him, thought him up, put him in the cockpit.”

More to come.
