Thursday, August 21, 2008

Update Concept Artist: Alex Woo

A while back I had posted some images of Asajj Ventress but wasn't sure as to who the artist was, just recently I learned that these pieces were done by Alex Woo check his blog for more Woo-luscious art!



Comic-Con 2008 & Other Happenings...

Comic-Con isn't just for big kids

I had no intention of attending Comic-Con this year but little did I know that I would be driving eight hours south to San Diego where a convention full of madness awaited. As fate would have it I did in fact attended Comic-Con for my 9th year in a row! To make things a little more interesting my sister, her buddy and I put together a list of Comic-Con treasures if you will, our list consisted of things we would more than likely see even if we didn't want to. On the list and one of my favorite pictures would be the little Jedi up above there and his bounty hunter friend? Click the image for a like the rest of my Con photos or here.

I picked up prints of both these pieces.
By the very talented Dustin Nguyen his blog is here.

It was very cool to see such a huge presence of The Clone Wars at the Con and it was the first time that I realized how massive the Star Wars universe is to the fans. The main presentation was really cool in Hall H but from my understanding the real prize was attending the 3D Story panel called "3D Story: The Making of Clone Wars which can be found here.

As for other happenings the Star Wars "The Clone Wars" movie hit the theaters last week and allowed the world a visual glimpse of what the tv show will have in store come this Fall. This show really is going to give other 3D animated shows a run for their money, once The Clone Wars airs I think people are going to really take notice of how beautiful this show looks and how cool it is to have an on-going animated tv series for Star Wars.

As well I'm sure some of the hard-core fans have been poking around on-line but there have been a series of really cool interviews and web videos posted from a press release that George Lucas had at Lucasfilm Animation Ltd.

Here's one from G4.

More to come.
